Project Details

How It Works
PiVOT aims to address the ability of a device to deliver a.) a common view to a group of people and b.) add multiple personalized views for individuals within the group. This is a technological challenge which we solve with a novel combination of two well known see-through display systems viz. Lumisty and MUSTARD. The first one, Lumisty film, acts as a direction-dependent diffuser which displays the shared view meant for the group. This shared view is accessible from the side of the table, but is totally transparent from the top. The second one, MUSTARD, becomes visible as the user leans forward and allows him to see the personalized view. MUSTARD uses a liquid crystal sandwich which allows us to deliver entirely different views to the each user in the personal viewzone. Given the size of the device and other operational parameters, up to 3 users can view personalized content which can be unique to each view. This is the key differentiator for our system. Another additional advantage of using MUSTARD is that the personalized view can show 2D as well as stereoscopic 3D views without needing glasses. By tracking the user's position inside the personal viewzone, we can also deliver perspective corrected 3D content irrespective of the user's position. The personal viewzone also contains an enhanced view which can be utilized as a source of additional information to the viewers or can serve as a way for the users in the personal viewzone to keep track of the activities happening in the shared view. This can enhance collaborative tasks based around a tabletop.


Personalized View-Overlays for Tabletops


Multi-touch tabletops allow people to gather around them to visualize and interact with its contents in an intuitive and effective way. Imagine if, while you and your colleages interact with shared information, the tabletop could contain pieces of information (such as emails, pictures) that are only visible to you. Imagine if these personal contents did not occlude or interfere with what the rest of the group could see. Imagine if these personal contents could contain any type of media, even 3D stereo graphics, without the need of 3D glasses or any other devices. This vision has become possible with PiVOT:  you can access everything you need to work collaboratively whilst still being able to work independently at the same time and on the same tabletop.


Abhijit Karnik, Diego Martinez Plasencia, Walterio Mayol-Cuevas, and Sriram Subramanian. 2012. PiVOT: personalized view-overlays for tabletops. In Proceedings of the 25th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 271-280. DOI=10.1145/2380116.2380151
