Oussama Metatla

Senior Lecturer in HCI & EPSRC Early Career Fellow"


Oussama is a Senior Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and holds a 5-years EPSRC Early-Career Fellowship. His academic and research vocation is to explore and demonstrate how HCI as an applied field of inquiry can contribute to making human society more inclusive of people with disabilities. He is particularly interested in exploring how insights and principles from multisensory interaction, crossmodal perception and embodied cognition could be used to design more inclusive interactions between people with and without disabilities. Oussama and his team use a mixed-methods approach to HCI research, combining theory with field work, co-design, and controlled studies and evaluation. Ongoing projects and research interests include:

  • Inclusive education technologies
  • Crossmodal perception applications in HCI and HRI
  • Augmented reality and inclusive social interaction
  • Multisensory, and multi-person Virtual Reality
  • Multisensory interaction, emotions and well-being
  • Voice user interfaces, Auditory Displays, and Sonification
  • Accessibility and Assistive Technology.
  • Child-Computer Interaction
  • Co-design, particularly with mixed-ability mixed-age groups
  • Quantitative approaches to embodied interaction