Monthly Archives: February 2014

7 Papers accepted to CHI 2014

By | 2014-02-19T12:16:48+00:00 February 19th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Bristol Interaction and Graphics group will present seven papers and notes at ACM CHI 2014. The papers range in topics from collaborative brain-computer interfaces to shape-changing interfaces covering our sense of vision, touch, taste and smell. The following are our 7 papers and notes SensaBubble: A Chrono-Sensory Mid-Air Display of Sight and Smell MisTable: Reach-through

Different ways people relate to leaderboards

By | 2014-02-14T09:17:04+00:00 February 14th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Our CSCW2014 work on different ways people relate to leaderboards is featured as today's Follow the Crowd blog article. Some people relate to them competitively - and can find it motivating or demotivating depending on their performance. But interestingly some use it not as a means of competition, but rather as a means of judging if they

BIG researcher in mock Mars mission.

By | 2014-02-11T10:33:19+00:00 February 11th, 2014|Uncategorized|

BIG researcher Sue Ann Seah recently participated in a two-week Mars simulation expedition as part of MarsCrew 134 at the Mars Desert Research Station located in the Utah desert. Working together with Anne Roudaut, Sriram Subramanian and Marianna Obrist (University of Sussex), the research project aims at studying the current limitations that astronauts face when